ryan driver, sandro perri & jennifer castle / tranzac club / toronto, feb. 18th
What an amazing intimate encounter with some of Toronto's best talent. I was blown away by Jennifer Castle's chilling sweet minimal folk tunes which silenced the room. About 30 people were in attendance and although the artists deserved a larger audience I was pleased to have them all to myself. What a beautiful moment in time. Check out Jennifer Castle's "heaven" video and fall in love with her as quickly as I did.
sebastien roux / songs / 12k
Tinkery electronics that peek-a-boo oh so daintily in and out of silence, sometimes tweaking out a bit while remaining gentle. Sounds as commonplace as hands searching through a drawer of clutter, a sudden bump and a distorted tone complimented with intermingling strums from an acoustic guitar. Roux's Songs could be described as a folktronic dream that challenges and stills the listener into wanting more. Purchase this journey, it's an enjoyable voyage.
the harp and contrabass song mp3
various / pingipung plays the piano / pingipung
I must have this album! Pingipung label (first time I've heard of it) brings us a compilation that focuses on the piano. Familiar artists like Lawrence, Barbara Morgenstern and Hauschka sit comfortably among new names such as Grabuk, Springintgut, Thaddi and Egobird. Nils Frahm's sample track is beautifully crafted with delicate sweet melodies and click beats which only makes me want more. What a tease. Why aren't there any proper record stores in Toronto?
nils frahm / durton mp3
Check out the Bjork's hilarious and brilliant "Triumph of the Heart" video